Notre Dame de Reims–where Kings were crowned
Though this Notre Dame was constructed during the 1200’s a.d., the original church at this site was built in the 5th century. During the hundred years war in the 1300’s, the English held this as a prize possession of war. It was liberated by a woman, Joan of Arc, in 1429.
Listening to God, Joan of Arc, led the french army to victory against the English. One very young woman changed history during a period of time when women did not fight wars, they remained behind while men led wars. Her life is one I admire. She listened to God and obeyed Him despite opposition all around her. In her place, could any of us do likewise? Does God expect us to “put blinders on” and follow despite the cost of doing so?
One might never realize the extent of damage this beautiful church endured were it not for the photos depicting such. During the first world war, the Germans caused a fire to burn scaffolding which in turn caught fire to the lead roof. Witnesses said molten led poured eerily through the mouths of the gargoyles. Stained glass windows were blown out. Looking through photos of the priests and townspeople sitting on the floor of the cathedral–roof missing and pieces of stained glass around them–I saw sadness and pain in their eyes. Yet, their firm resolve to piece it back together is apparent when looking around at the restored windows.
Over the centuries this church overcame numerous fires and destruction. This is the cathedral where kings were crowned, prayers were spoken, and God was always present. Scars are still visible throughout. In a holy place as this it is easy to see how God spoke to me here.
Jesus is the Master in repairing souls, healing bodies, and restoring relationships. All is not lost even when it appears so. My hope is in Him. His presence is all around me. There is nowhere I can go that He isn’t there. My prayer is restoration of my life in the ways only our Master physician sees. All I need to do is allow the repairs from God’s hands to me. So simple, yet so hard to just “let go” and let Him work.