Finding God Everywhere

Seeing God's Attributes

My Temporary Home in Paris

Spending ten days in Paris (less than a month ago) was already a “dream come true.” Securing an entire month in a Parisian apartment (in the Saint Germain/Latin district) took this dream to whole new level!  Thirty days of cathedrals, cafes, museums and sightseeing in this “City of Light” is a “pinch me quick” dream!  Notre Dame Cathedral, Saint Chapelle, Hotel De Ville were only a few blocks (across the River Seine) in one direction; La Sorbonne, Pantheon, Luxembourg Palace and Gardens in close proximity; shops, cafes and even the quaint Latin district were just a block away.   I could easily step into a dozen different metro stations within a four or five block radius outside the apartment doors and arrive quickly almost anywhere within and around the city.

I desired to explore France on a deeper level.  It “lay at my feet” so to speak.  With so many scripture passages in the bible relating to God supplying my needs, caring for me, and protecting me that I knew I didn’t need to concern myself with details belonging to God.   He continually provides me with more than I ask for.

Philippians 4:19, “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Adding to this perfect location was my “AirBnb” French country style, one bedroom apartment with just the right amount of amenities.   Though rare for many older apartments in Paris, this particular building contained a small elevator.  Only a few weeks out of a cast left my right arm “handicapped.”  Unable to lift more than a small purse, I don’t know what I’d have done without this tiny elevator.


Vicki happily using this one-person-at-a-time sized elevator.


Looking down the steep, narrow and curved stairwell! Imagine walking 6 flights of stairs–up and down–numerous times each day…and carrying items of various sizes!

It was heavenly…well…almost.  God promises heaven to be more than I can humanly imagine or dream.

1 Corinthians 2:9, “But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him””

Both the living room and bedroom windows looked down on Boulevard Saint-Germaine with picturesque views of the Pantheon and Eiffel Tower. Settling in, I enjoyed every day feeling a bit like a true Parisian.  Numerous markets and cafes located within my apartment location provided easy opportunities to grocery shop or eat out.  I needed nothing more to explore the city and see where God leads.


With windows looking down Saint Germain boulevard,I watched the Eiffel Tower light up like magic every night–Unforgettable!

Though I’d be on a fairly fast pace over the next six or seven days while touring Paris with Vicki, I found it difficult to relax once I unpacked and settled into this apartment.  My mind and body still processed the past thirty days of traveling in France, England, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia.  My wonderful friend, Vicki, already purchased wine, cheeses, olives and bread for us to leisurely enjoy the first night in the apartment.   We sipped our wine and nibbled on our hors d’oeuvres in celebration of beginning our Paris week together while catching up on one another’s “life” adventures.

“God is truly Good.”  Of that I am continually assured.



FriendshipGod ProvidesParisTravel to Francetrusting God

Pathfinder • September 2, 2015

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