Finding God Everywhere

Seeing God's Attributes

My Adventure Continues back to Paris

Leaving Russia was nearly as complicated and stressful for me as entering it.  Choosing to fly SAS instead of Aeroflot helped, but waiting for hours until the airline’s “desks” open (less than two hours before flight time) added to the anxiety.  Without a seat assignment, and with two suitcases to manage (right arm bandaged up) I found a secure area for handicapped travelers in which to wait six hours.  I received my seat assignment; pulled everything from my suitcase (one handed); went through Passport Control; and reached the SAS boarding area.  I’d love to return but with the Putin causing political and economic unrest, nothing is certain.  I am grateful for this visit.

As in the movie, “God’s Not Dead” I am reminded often “God is Good.”  Circumstances are never a factor–God truly is good.  He sees me.  He cares for me.  He knows me.  He loves me.


On board the plane all is quiet.

I feel His leading and prodding me through life.  Fear is replaced with anticipation.  All my senses are open and aware of His presence and His leading.

I’m safely aboard the flight.  With one month of an amazing journey behind me and months ahead equally promising I felt such gratitude well up inside of me I could barely contain it.  I am aware of all the blessings and take none for granted.

I looked out the porthole window of the plane at an entirely different perspective on the earth below me.  God created colors, clouds, light, dimensions, time and numerous other visual beauties for me to gaze at.


Clouds over the Baltic Sea

My photographs don’t do justice to this visual–one dimensional, flat and just a copy of the real thing.   In the first chapter of Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans, he states the simple fact that all creation screams out “God made me!”

Romans 1:20, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”

God is everywhere:  the Creator within His creation.  Through “choice” we decide to either see God or deny His existence.  Denial doesn’t make it so.  God holds us responsible…period.  No excuses.


Countryside outside Paris

After a brief layover changing planes in Amsterdam, I met up with a very dear friend that flew in from California a few days ago.  Now, after two decades of our friendship “put on hold,” Paris is the perfect place to build new memories.  The last time we vacationed together we both had babies to care for at the same time.  Now that her children and mine are grown and independent the only thing to consider each day is:  where to eat, what to see, when to wake up or go to sleep, and how long we spend at each location.  What a treasure God has given me!  The treasure of friendship and the time to renew it.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!”


My treasured friend, Vicki


finding godfollowing GodFranceRussiaTravel

Pathfinder • August 27, 2015

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