Finding God Everywhere

Seeing God's Attributes

My Adventure Continues back to Paris

Leaving Russia was nearly as complicated and stressful for me as entering it.  Choosing to fly SAS instead of Aeroflot helped, but waiting for hours until the airline’s “desks” open (less than two hours before flight time) added to the anxiety.  Without a seat assignment, and with two suitcases to manage (right arm bandaged up)…

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Bloody Sunday

I stood on the peripheral of the Palace Square, dressed warmly enough to ward off the freezing cold November temperatures.  To my left, the Tsar’s Winter Palace; to my right, the triumphal arch. In the distance, I watched several horse and carriages line up to take tourists for a ride through the city.  My mind…

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A Russian Ballet

At the age of sixty, the occasions are few and further between when I feel like a “little girl at heart.”   Imagining myself attending a Russian ballet–in Russia–is one of these occasions. During a time of ballet lessons, pirouetting, leotards and standing on my toes (though not very well, or for very long) I, like…

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God in a Russian church?

Reading about this city, and learning a little of its history, is quite different from physically walking the streets, stepping into the sanctuaries or spending time with the people.  Saint Petersburg is a beautiful bustling city and yet, I felt something important missing. First of all, I do realize God doesn’t need a church to…

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Hermitage Museum

The cold air stinging my eyelashes caused the walk to the museum feel much further away than the six blocks on the map.  By keeping my chin tucked beneath the scarf wound loosely around my neck I didn’t notice the museum until I rounded a corner to cross the street.  There it was–a gigantic “Tiffany…

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Entering St Petersburg, Russia

As I said good-bye to the land of my ancestors, I looked to God for the future of Ukraine.  I trust in His divine protection and grace.  In all things, our future rests solely upon Him. Psalm 33:19 “…that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine.  Our soul waits for…

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