Finding God Everywhere

Seeing God's Attributes

My Adventure Continues back to Paris

Leaving Russia was nearly as complicated and stressful for me as entering it.  Choosing to fly SAS instead of Aeroflot helped, but waiting for hours until the airline’s “desks” open (less than two hours before flight time) added to the anxiety.  Without a seat assignment, and with two suitcases to manage (right arm bandaged up)…

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From Istanbul to L’viv

Words cannot express the intensity of my feelings as I climbed into the van transporting us to Sabiha Gökçen (SAW)–an airport further south than the one we arrived in.  The silent two hour drive through traffic to cross the Bosphorus bridge and head towards the Syrian border gave plenty of time to reflect upon the…

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Istanbul, Day Two Within the Safety of a Tour Group

The second full day we chose to see Istanbul via passenger ferry with other tourists on the Bosphorous. Though I dislike tour groups, seeing the shores of this city—both sides, east and west—could be safely done from a luxury bus and open air ferry. With only two days to see this city, and needing to…

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Why travel to Istanbul?

In the early 1900s my ancestors journeyed from the Ukraine, across the tumultuous Black Sea on a ship through the middle of Istanbul to reach the safety of America.  With a little prodding, my grandmother revealed bits and pieces of her family’s escape from the tyrannical clutches of Russia. The stories ignited a desire in…

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London: Westminster Abbey

With only one full day in London we had to choose which sight to see in this beautiful, historic city. The forecast for light rain and cool autumn weather convinced us to spend the majority of the day sightseeing indoors. A quick trip by express train into the center of London brought quick smiles to…

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Notre Dame de Reims–where Kings were crowned

Though this Notre Dame was constructed during the 1200’s a.d., the original church at this site was built in the 5th century.  During the hundred years war in the 1300’s, the English held this as a prize possession of war.  It was liberated by a woman, Joan of Arc, in 1429. Listening to God, Joan of Arc,…

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My 60th Birthday, October 24

Today I’ve lived six decades.  Some days I feel very young, while at other times I can barely get my body to move.  The year I was born, 1954, someone my age would definitely be considered a senior citizen.  I try not to see myself as “senior” as it just causes me to “feel old”!…

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Notre Dame De Paris

The most famous church in the world is this particular Notre Dame.  Many do not realize there are numerous Notre Dame cathedrals scattered all over the world.  Paris is just the most famous, and this cathedral sees more visitors than any other site in Paris (even more than the Eiffel Tower).  Listening to one particular…

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Finding Kindness at Saint Chapelle

Near to Notre Dame is a magnificent church built by King Louis IX (Saint Louis as he is also known) in the middle of the thirteenth century.   This church was built as a private chapel for the King to hold precious Holy Relics of the Passion of the Christ:  the Crown of Thorns and…

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Remnants of Wars: Musee L’Armee

I arrived in France on Sunday, October 19, and, after a few days of “taking it easy”–discovering local small eateries near my private apartment rental; sampling scrumptious breads and desserts; listening to a new dialect and coaxing my body into a new time zone–I’m ready to discover whatever God reveals.   On October 21, I began…

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