Finding God Everywhere

Seeing God's Attributes


My 60th Birthday, October 24

Today I’ve lived six decades.  Some days I feel very young, while at other times I can barely get my body to move.  The year I was born, 1954, someone my age would definitely be considered a senior citizen.  I try not to see myself as “senior” as it just causes me to “feel old”!  I’ve been asked about regrets in life and if there were things I’d change.

Between the “butterfly effect” (one small change triggers others) and the fact that I am who I am because of the “whole” of my life, I’m not sure what I’d change.  Sure, I wish things were different in many parts of my life, but most is beyond my control.  I can’t change my birth family, my birth year, how people treated me or react to my decisions in life but there are things I might have chosen differently.  But, again, if I did change those things, how might my life have turned out?  Only God knows.  If I could control everything, I absolutely would choose everything in life just as one chooses groceries in a store–a little of this and a lot of that!  In doing this I might lose the glue that holds my life together and very likely be quite un-relatable to others.

So for now, I am content to be a work in progress.  Anything good in my life is a direct result of God’s grace and help.  Mistakes…He teaches me valuable lessons.  Heartaches…He ministers to me and grows my faith.  Though my future is shorter than my past I will continue to draw near to God and in doing so, He promises to draw near to me.

I’m grateful for so much…and today, I celebrate this birthday in my favorite city on earth–Paris!  As my heavenly Father, God gives amazing gifts.  He’s provided me with the gift of  this travel time, the health to be able to journey easily, the financial resources to do so, a purpose (writing), and a loving man to walk beside me during this time in my life.

I find God everywhere because He lives within me and directs my path.  I give all praise to Him.


Birthday breakfast! Amazing!


View from La Ciel de Paris–57th floor view for my dinner celebrations.


Debra and Brian–a celebration of a life of 60 years!

60th birthdaychosen by GodChristianfinding godFinding God Everywherefollowing GodFrancegift of travel timeGod's planpraise to GodTraveltrusting God

Pathfinder • December 5, 2014

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