Leaving London
Tucked into a small private room near one of the nursing stations I felt blessed beyond measure! The nurses asked many questions as to how one American woman ended up in a hospital.
I told of God’s miraculous intervening in Brian’s life; how important it is to reach others for Christ; and the need for His healing in our lives. I explained I was writing his story to help others; writing this blog; and, God wiling, gathering more information for another novel I’d been writing (years ago) when we get to the Black Sea and when traveling through the Ukraine next month. One nurse thought my testimony gave her inspiration in her own life. She was eager to share my story with her family at home. She thought very few in the U.K. went to church or even thought much about God. She said, “Americans are much more religious than we are. Isn’t that what America is founded on? God?” True, I thought, but that was long ago.
I told her I was following a path set before me by God. I knew that I was supposed to go and see what it is He wants to reveal to me.
She then asked, “What if we are the reason you fell?” With a firm resolve she stated, “I think God’s purpose was for you to come here to this hospital to encourage us.” She added, “I’m going to find a church to attend and learn more about God.” She left to continue working on the floor but returned to my room off and on to ask more questions about God.
Deuteronomy 31:8, “The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
The next day, after surgery the doctor reported that I could continue my travels if this is important to me. He warned the tendons were permanently damaged in my fall. Elbows injured in this manner don’t heal completely. I wouldn’t be able to extend it fully or use it with the same strength as before. In a few days I could return to travel; remove the cast in a week; and then do several strengthening exercises to help it heal correctly.
God didn’t say “don’t go.” Instead he diverted and delayed the journey. Leaving London I was changed in more ways than physical ones. God provided a companion to be at my side even through times of trouble; He increased my awareness of the pain and heartache of abandoned mothers; and already used the journey and book I’m writing to bring those lost back into His fold.
Finding God everywhere means taking Him with me everywhere I go. I trust His guidance, His directing and His provisions. There is nowhere I can go that He isn’t already there.