Finding God Everywhere

Seeing God's Attributes


Walking with God

October 24, 2014, heralds an important milestone in life–my 60th birthday.  For me, it is an opportunity to revisit missed opportunities and complete unfinished business.  It is a time to begin anew.  Life is an adventure.  My focus is discovering the wonders of God’s creation.  God is everywhere.  This blog, “Finding God Everywhere” isn’t really about finding Him…He isn’t lost.  We are.

I want to open my eyes and truly see Him; deepen my understanding of His attributes and see His creation in a new way.  Until now I was either too busy, or too poor to journey to places I either needed or wanted to see.  So now, God willing, I am putting one foot in front of the other until God directs me differently or merely says, “stop”.

I’ve known in my heart for almost two years that I would be a “gypsy” for God if He determined this path for me.   I proclaimed often, “I’m just a gypsy” while friends and family smiled often at such silliness.  Low and behold, God made a way for this to transpire. The second divorce left me with the income to travel; and God placed a man in my life that held the qualities I needed most–one who loved God as much or more than I did, a willingness to go wherever God called, plus an ability to see and react to situations in order to keep me safe.   I am a bit oblivious or naive as some might say.  I like to believe the best in people.  At this particular time in the world, there are unsafe destinations filled with people intending to do harm.

Weighing on my heart and mind for more than two decades, I will finally finish that novel, and perhaps even write a few others.  After a birthday in Paris and a few days in London I‘m journeying to Istanbul, L’viv, Kiev and St. Petersburg.  It is my prayer to see and experience locations, people and perhaps even similar religious or political conflicts felt by my ancestors in 1905.  If it is the Lord’s will, He will lead, direct and reveal all that I need to know, see or experience to finish writing a story God placed on my heart decades ago.

Norway also calls to me.  I will spend almost one month journeying throughout this amazing land of my ancestors.  God’s presence in the Northernmost arctic city in Norway, (Tromso) will be experienced in the darkest month of winter with His glorious hand painting the skies.  In the Bible book of Revelation, the apostle John describes God’s throne as one with an emerald rainbow. Aurora Borealis is just such a rainbow.  Silent and magical, is this majestic phenomena similar to the emerald hue described by John?  

I am giving God all the glory and praise in this endeavor.  He provides my strength (down to every breath I take) and sets this path before me.  Thank you for taking your precious time to read the words I write and view the photos I take.


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