Finding God Everywhere

Seeing God's Attributes

Entering St Petersburg, Russia

As I said good-bye to the land of my ancestors, I looked to God for the future of Ukraine.  I trust in His divine protection and grace.  In all things, our future rests solely upon Him. Psalm 33:19 “…that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine.  Our soul waits for…

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A little more of Kyiv

Prior to my visit to Kyiv, I imagined 3 days in this beautiful city would be sufficient.  It was not.   With a limited travel itinerary for the Ukraine, I am happy I included Kyiv but sad to be leaving it.  I need to return.  Though smaller than London, Paris and Istanbul, the city of…

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Finding Kindness at Saint Chapelle

Near to Notre Dame is a magnificent church built by King Louis IX (Saint Louis as he is also known) in the middle of the thirteenth century.   This church was built as a private chapel for the King to hold precious Holy Relics of the Passion of the Christ:  the Crown of Thorns and…

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